Saturday, February 28, 2009

Choosing YOUR color!

"I'm getting married!", my friend exclaims.
"Congratulations!", I reply, "What colors?!"

Rainbows, gardens, kaleidoscopes, stained glass, paint chips... any one of these things has the ability to make me completely stop what I'm doing to admire the beauty of color. When 2 or more colors are combined creatively, elegantly and intelligently- you have the start of a great palette to work with for an art project, room of your house... or a wedding.

I have to say that I have been pleasantly surprised with the modern bride's taste these days. My jaw recently dropped in appreciation of this lovely wedding palette of red and pink! I've seen it accented by orange and also a deep plum. Lovely.


I made this red and pink invite at"

One of my favorite things to do is play on the Relish Invitation Builder. You can dreams up all kinds of crazy color combos :) It's important that your wedding colors reflect what you both love! (Mainly you, I know). If you haven't chosen a theme yet, here's a little inspiration for ya! Remember that no rainbow is too bright, and no neutral is too neutral! As long as YOU adore it, DO it!

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